
MidcoSN Podcast: UND Coach Mallory Bernhard

Over the years, the position of head coach for women’s basketball at the University of North Dakota hasn’t changed hands often.

Since 1987, there have been just two different leaders of the program: UND Athletics Hall of Fame inductee Gene Roebuck (1987-2012) and Travis Brewster (2012-2020).

That’s why the decision by UND Athletics Director Bill Chaves to make a change in leadership after this past season wasn’t made lightly, and it’s why there’s added significance in the promotion of associate head coach Mallory Bernhard.

After giving an interim head coach tag to Bernhard initially, Chaves made that title permanent for the 2020-21 season, after he suspended a national head coaching search  due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Bernhard knows this upcoming year will serve as an extended job interview, but the former two-time UND All-Great West forward isn’t one to shy away from a challenge.

Shortly after she was appointed UND’s head coach for the 2020-21 season, I caught up with Mallory to get her thoughts on the promotion and the excitement that comes with this opportunity, along with her plans for preparing for the year with players and coaches at home for the foreseeable future.

Our conversation is available below in the latest episode of the MidcoSN Podcast. Listen here and subscribe to the MidcoSN feed on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts!

Filed Under Basketball | College | Podcast | UND