
Power Rankings 12/21/11 (North Dakota Boys)

Grand Forks Red River and Bismarck are off to good starts. Bismarck's Dexter Werner's consistency has helped Bismarck to a couple of early season wins. Werner has scored 24 in both of his first two games. But the most impressive action of the week happened in Cando where Jacob Hagler went off. He scored 37,32 and 29 points in the last seven days and led my number one team to three wins. I would love to be in Beulah this Thursday night to see the #1 vs. #2 matchup between North Star and Beulah.

Class A

1    Bismarck
2    Red River
3    Mandan
4    Minot
5    Fargo Davies


Class  B
1    North Star
2    Beulah
3    Berthold
4    LaMoure
5    Dickinson Trinity


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