
The Art of Communication: Nick Huntimer | Midco Sports Blog

Nick HuntimerTo spread the word of sports, you must know sports. The first line of communication for Dakota State University athletics is Sports Information Director Nick Huntimer, who has built his entire life around athletics and communication.

Born deaf, Huntimer spent his early childhood learning to communicate through American sign language. ASL is a necessity for everyday life, but it would also become extremely useful as he began his career in the sports world.

“I grew up in Oldham, but I went to the School for the Deaf in Sioux Falls from kindergarten through fourth grade. I loved sports growing up, playing basketball, baseball, softball, tennis, golf, almost everything. I wanted to be a coach and became a referee to teach the players you know what the game, like the rules and stuff like that, to be a team player. I started officiating after I graduated from high school, following the steps of my family, my mom’s cousin was a referee and my grandpa was a referee too so I followed the steps of my family. I ref in basketball, volleyball, softball, and baseball,” Huntimer explained.

His love for teaching led him to Dakota State’s education program. His passion for sports led him to DSU’s athletic department.

“I went to DSU for five years, I worked for DSU athletics for four years, I’d been going to every home game and doing the stats. They could feel my interest in education, I’m interested to learn about the history of DSU, their past and studying, and I tried to get my foot in the door after I graduated with DSU athletics to be a full-time SID,” said Huntimer.

Over his four years in the athletic office, the department observed his work ethic and passion, and brought him on as a full-time SID, upon graduation.

“DSU has a place in my heart, it’s like a family, it’s close to my family too, it’s awesome. I have to do the preview for each game, I have to do a recap for the game about what happened, what the stats were in the game, promotions too and make graphics, we do social media, I enjoy it,” he said.

Adding to his involvement, Huntimer is the SID for the North Star Athletic Association where he’s been named the Sports Information Director of the Year, twice. Knowing how powerful his voice can be, he works to break down barriers and sits on CoSIDA’s Diversity and Inclusion board.  Using language to help change lives, his efforts don’t stop with college athletics.

“There are some deaf people that are in mainstream school and some compete in sports and we like to see that you know compete more. I don’t want them to feel left by themselves alone. One time I found out about a deaf boy in Laverne and he was playing team camp here at DSU and I met with him and we started talking, and he’s going to play softball with us for the summer,” Huntimer explained.

Huntimer’s skills go well beyond improving the quality of his own life. He’s shown that no matter the venue, he takes cues from his passions, and works to help others visualize theirs. 

With that, he said, “follow your dreams, don’t let them ruin them, follow your dreams.”

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